MFL Changes Moving Out of Committee

In the Senate, SB 434 passed out of committee last week (2/5/2016) and was approved by the Joint Finance Committee on Thursday.  It now is awaiting scheduling for a full Senate vote.  Read more.

WAFO Responds to Opposition on Updating the MFL

Although most responses to updating the MFL have been positive or neutral, there has recently been some opposition by the general public.  Comments made include “this is just another big tax break for wealthy landowners which then puts a bigger burden on … Continued

Testimony on MFL and Leasing Ban Bills Positive

WAFO, along with two dozen other individuals and groups, publicly testified before the Assembly Committee on Environment and Forestry on Dec. 8 in favor of AB 559.  This bill, sponsored by Rep, Mary Czaja, would once again allow landowners to receive … Continued

WAFO Testimony on AB 561 Now Available

WAFO invites you to review our testimony to be presented at the December 8 public Assembly hearing. Please join us to cast your ballot in favor of rescinding the leasing ban in State Capitol room 412 E at 12 pm.

Update on Efforts to Repeal the MFL Leasing Ban

The draft bill currently being developed to update the Managed Forest Law DOES NOT include language to rescind the ban on the leasing of private lands in the program.  Read the language that WAFO offered to the bill to rescind the … Continued

Major Managed Forest Law Changes Could be on Fast Track

Hearings could begin as soon as October 21st for a new bill that would provide extensive changes to the Managed Forest Law (MFL). Representative Jeff Mursau announced to the Council on Forestry on September 30th that a bill is being … Continued